An Advanced Welcome To PBIOS!
All of us involved with the 2021 Permian Basin International Oil Show starting October 19th-21st in Odessa, Tx. are especially excited to bring you this year’s edition! Our theme for 2021 is “Celebrate Our History, Embrace Our Future.” After having to make some tough choices last year regarding protecting people from COVID-19 and postponing the show–which turned out to be the right decision–we are really ready to go for this year.
There are obviously still reasons for concern with new strains to contend with, and we will have a measure of safety precautions in place. But “oil patch people” are truly resilient, and you are very ready to return to face-to-face meetings. So we are fully convinced that it’s time to open the PBIOS.
We have had very strong interest from exhibitors and attendees alike. We all know there are still challenges, and no one is throwing caution to the wind, but we hear all those who are saying, “We have to live, and we have to go on with our lives.” PBIOS has worked hard to make sure this year’s show is a safe, enjoyable and productive event. You can find our safety protocols at pboilshow.org/safety-protocols/.
With oil and gas activity levels increasing, especially in the Permian Basin, we are seeing new optimism across the board. Exhibitors are anxious to get face-to-face with customers again. It’s a chance for people who want to get together to do so safely, so we are excited to offer that opportunity.
Many who attend do not realize that planning begins for the next show about the time the last exhibit from the previous show is loaded and hauled back to the yard. Members of the board and the numerous PBIOS committees–all of whom are volunteers–work tirelessly for months to make sure every show is the best it can be. I want to thank each and every person involved with these efforts for making the coming 2021 PBIOS possible.
Cancelling in 2020 helped us appreciate even more the opportunity to get back in gear for this year. As they say, time never stands still. Much has changed in the Permian industry since the last show in 2018. Technology does not stand still either. There have been numerous technological advancements over the past three years. Developments in Permian resource plays, infrastructure, operating practices, and of course, technology and services will all be on display at PBIOS.
As I’ve watched what is happening around the county, the state and the country, I’ve seen that the Permian Basin Fair, on these same grounds as the PBIOS, had great attendance, and college football stadiums are full this fall. There is a lot of pent-up excitement about getting back to joining with other people. And what better venue for those in the industry to convene than in the heart of the Permian Basin, where so much activity and technological innovation are taking place?
Exhibitors are eager to share new services and technologies that can improve the bottom line for oil and gas operators. Attendees will find exhibits showcasing almost every imaginable product and service spanning the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors. In The American Oil & Gas Reporter's Official Program Guide, which is now printing, you will find a unique Products/Services Guide following an Alphabetical Exhibitor Listings. Categories in the guide represent all PBIOS exhibit offerings covering areas such as drilling, completion and stimulation, production, water management, ESG, HS&E, automation, pipe, valves, wellheads, compressors, and pumps to name only a few.
There’s a lot in store for everybody. Whether you are a rig hand, a field supervisor, an executive or in any other job, there is plenty for you to see, do and learn about. We really look forward to seeing soon!
Tommy Pipes
2021 Permian Basin International Oil Show
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